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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Introduction for free #edtech20 project gateway to knowledge in #education20 in the New Age of #Curation

Since the begining I must told you that I propose this project in WECOLLABORATE PROJECTS COMPETITION http://www. and I need your help : votes and comments for #edtech20 project project because #Winners will receive a 1-year, 50-seat Blackboard Collaborate room to use to make a difference in the world . Please share and rt this post . Thanks and I invite you to join free #edtech20 project here  
and here you can subscribe for #edtech20 newsteller
I am very happy also because #edtech20 project has now a mobile app  and you can read what is new in our project here .
#edtech20 free project is extended of the project ,, Teach, learn, play in 21st Century using web 2.0, social media used in an e-Safe way in education 2.0 " who was selected finalist project in ELEARNING AWARDS 2010 , runner up in the cathegory ENISA silver award for teaching online safety and citizenship .
I start this project because I was selected in june 2010 by European Schoolnet to work in the TIS – Insafe ; Teaching Internet Safety Project under European Schoolnet and TeachToday . I made a team from next european teachers : Coordinator Lucian Cornel Duma (ROMANIA) - me , Aureo Torres (SPAIN) ,Maria Sourgiadaki (GREECE) ,Catalina Nicolin ( MECTS Romania ) and Inge de Cleyn ( Belgium ) . We work all at this module proposed by me is called ,, How teachers and students can use free web 2.0 and social media in education 2.0 “ and all the resource where presented on Teachtoday website between 21- 22 octomber 2010 at Safer Internet Forum in Louxembourg . We made next teaching units :
1. Free microblogging safely in education : Twitter apps
2. Free blogging safely in education
3.Free animation 2.0 safely in education
4. How to introduce Internet safety issue via the discovery of free virtual worlds , Second Life.
I belive that new technologies web 2.0 and social media can open gateway to knowledge for teachers worldwide and for this reason curation tools will prepare the appearance of semantic web 3.0 in XXI Century Education and I made on #edtech20 circle on google plus ( the new tool who prepaire the introduction of new web in #education20 ) . I wish in the future to make a big platform where teachers worldwide can discuss how they can integrate efficiently new technologies in #education20 , but for this we need help and founds and I hope toghether to bring edreform . 

Curation has always been an underrated form of creation and it is generally the selection of, care for and presentation of the objects entered into a collection, whether that collection is physical (such as items in a museum) , digital (such as entries in Wikipedia) . Today I use gr8 curation tools many in beta for curating social media ( tools, apps, articles , blog posts , tweets , videos , photos and much more ) like , perltrees , postano , shareist , storify , chirpstory , and bagtheweb .
 My favorite are 4 , pearltrees , postano , shareist, but every day appear new curation tools who prepair the aparition of Semantic Web who is driving the evolution of the current Web by enabling users to find, share, and combine information more easily . For example delicious tool is a kind of curation, but this new curation tools allows your readers to add comments and suggestion for evry post .
The emphasis of curation may vary among:
The selection process - such as the use of expertise or expert advice to decide what items or content should be added to a collection or archive.
The caretaking process - controlling the decay of historical object (such as census records) .
Presentation - determining how objects or records are displayed, including what metadata will be displayed along with them.
2011 is the begining of New Era of Curation and every day appear new awesome social media curation tools like write Mashable in the article 4 Promising Curation Tools That Help Make Sense of the web . When I read Mashable's article I allready used Pearltrees and after I made #edtech20 team on pearltrees . When Tim Berners Lee originally conceived of the Internet, he envisioned three principal functions and I think that is curation
Allow anyone to access any type of document
Allow everyone to disseminate his or her own documents
Allow everyone to organize the entire collection of documents

Brian Solis write also in his website about curation and curators who play an important role in the evolution of new media, the reach of material information, and the social nicheworks that unite as a result. Curators promote interaction, collaboration, as well as education around the topics that are important to them. As such, services that empower curators will fill the void between creation and consumption. Forrester’s estimation of consumers of social content will erode from 70% to much lower numbers as many ease into social networking through curation – sharing with others the content that captivates their attention. The ease of doing so forever converts the static consumer into a productive curator or perhaps one day, a full fledged creator.
With creation and curation increasing the exchange of information commerce, we are moving new media toward the mainstream creating bridges between social and traditional media and the people who connect around related information. As such, what you discover and equally what you share creates an information economy rich with contextual and topical relevance linked through shared experiences.

I want to collaborate in #edtech20 project with teachers worldwide and to discuss about new tools and apps web 2.0 , social media , and semantic web 3.0 . We will discover toghether how to use many edtools , apps and widgets related to mlearning, wikis , blogs , microblogs , social networking , news readers and news agregators , animation , cloud words , online communities , on-line web conferencing , chats and webinars , bookmarking , sharing using videos , photos , interactive presentations , documents , podcast and audio . I am in the top curators ( 30 000 visitors on my topics )and for this reason I made a scoopit curation topic and also a blog for my favorite topics

google chrome , tools , apps and more in education 2.0 


6. Second Life

In conclusion let's make a big curation #edtech20 PLN and toghether we will discover semantic web 3.0 . I invite you to join FREE this project and complete this google doc with your informations and after I will invite you to became a member in our ning network and in our wiki
I will make a page on #edtech20 wiki with all collaborators . All the members who will be involved in this project will use #edtech20 hastag and are invited to curate with me if they use scoopit and if not to add their comments and feedback about what I and other members share in this curation topics and also we will collaborate in our facebook page .
I write this words about #edtech20 project, but your advices , comments and feed-back is welcome .

I invite you also to see my #edtech20 glog


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